High Quality Aluminum Straight Needles. Pack includes 6 needle sizes. SQUARE shape - Easier on your hands, more uniform stitches. Gold Edition needles with soft pouch and needle gauge.
Include US 4. US 5, US 6, US 7, US 8, & US 9 gold needles, 1 SQUARE needle ruler gauge and soft shell pouch with zippered pockets.
A square needle decreases contact stress by giving your fingers a flat surface to rest on while knitting. This is different from a traditionally-shaped round needle, which forces your fingers to rest on a smaller, convex-shaped surface area. This tension caused by a round needle can result in poor circulation and impaired nerves. Eliminating or reducing contact tension (by using a Square needle) can significantly reduce pain. We’ve had a number of customers tell us that they had stopped knitting until they discovered Kollage Square Knitting Needles! Square needles are perfect for knitters who have arthritis, carpal tunnel or stiffness in their wrists and fingers. Squares are designed to decrease pain and tension for those who love to knit. As a knitter, your hands are your most valuable tool! Even if you’re not currently experiencing hand or wrist pain, it’s worth treating them right by selecting needles and tools that support all the hard work they’ll be doing for years to come!