Rowan - Fine Tweed Haze yarn

Rowan - Fine Tweed Haze yarn
Rowan - Fine Tweed Haze yarn


Fine Tweed Haze is a finer version of Rowan's cherished Tweed Haze. With a very similar blend - including superfine alpaca and extra fine merino wool - this dreamy yarn boasts the same contemporary tweed look. Its beautiful haze is punctuated with contrasting tweedy flecks making it an interesting choice for single-color designs, whilst also being perfect for lightweight colorwork - the beautifully balanced palette is ideal for creating compelling Fair Isles.


Brand Rowan
Made in Italy
Fiber Content 37% Alpaca, 37% Wool, 13% Polyamide, 9% Cotton, 4% Polyester
Skein/Ball Weight 50 g / 1.75 oz
Length 420 m / 459 yards
Yarn Texture Fuzzy
Yarn Weight 3 - Light/DK
Yarn Gauge 21 sts x 29 rows = 10 cm / 4"
Needle Size Used 6 US / 4.00 mm
Yarn Care Hand Wash & Dry Flat or Dry Clean
Yarn Specifics No